Smarter Than You Think

How intelligent are my customers? I have been debating this question for the last two years. I admit to a wee bit of a problem with my customer demographic and the plethora of social media available to dazzle them with.

The core age range of my customer base is from 45 to 68 years old, 99.9% being female. According to all marketing statistics, Facebook and Pinterest is number one with this group. Should I really bother with other social media platforms?

Honestly, up until a year ago, I was feeding into the confines of pigeon holing my customers. I know I don’t have to do it all; I don’t have the time and I am totally aware of the parameters.

Then, something really amazing happened!

I had two women visit my store. One was quite elderly. Probably in her late 80’s.

We all had a nice time and as the women were leaving, the elderly women whipped out her cell phone and ordered an Uber.

I say what?

She made her way out to the street, poked at her smartphone and started tracking her Uber car. “There he is...Henry is two blocks away!”

So, this is an almost 90 year old woman, with a smart phone, tracking an Uber car!  Really? Should I “dummy” down my customers? Maybe I should respect their capabilities and offer them more than Pinterest and Facebook!

Older woman actually can work social media….they Can use Instagram, they can use Twitter, they can use Linkedin….They Can!

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